Leaf Identification

The Osage Orange has bright green, simple, alternate, oblong-shaped leaves with acuminate (tapering) tips and entire margins.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twigs are green to orange brown and zig-zag, with thorns under leaf scars and an absent terminal bud. Thus, the buds are instead lateral, and, in the wild-type tree, will be located right above each thorn. The twigs release a milky sap when broken.

Bark Identification

The Osage Orange has orange-brown, stripy bark that develops deep fissures with age.

Fruit Identification

The fruit is a distinct, 4-5 inches, citrus smelling, yellow drupe with a surface that resembles brains or coral. It contains a milky, sticky liquid and many flat seeds. It is not edible for humans or most wildlife. The fruit emerges in fall.

Flower Identification

The Osage Orange is a dioecious species but neither male nor female flower is showy. The flowers emerge in early summer.