Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Golden Larch are 1″ to 3″ long and less than 1″ wide. The leaves are whorled around the twig. Being part of the pine family, these are considered soft needles. During the fall, the leaves turn a gold, yellow, or orange color.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twigs of the Golden Larch are reddish-brown to grayish-brown and textured. They are oriented slightly zig zag. The buds are ovoid with free scales.

Bark Identification

The Golden Larch’s bark is is thick and plated. The fissures tend to turn into square scales.

Cone Identification

The mature cone of the Golden Larch are 2″ to 3″ long and ovoid. They start off green to purple-green but mature to a reddish-brown. The small seeds are white, ovoid, and have yellowish wings. The staminate cones form terminal clusters of 10 to 25. They are usually a yellowish color.