Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Cucumber Tree Magnolia are dark green and turn yellow and brown in the fall. The underside of the leaf is finely pubescent (hairy).

Twig and Bud Identification

The twig of the Cucumber Tree Magnolia ranges from yellow-green to reddish-brown depending on its maturity stage. When broken, the twig smells sweet and spicy; however, please protect our trees and do not break off any twigs. The ends of the twig hold the flower buds, and the leaves come from lateral buds. The buds have long, soft hairs.

Bark Identification

The Cucumber Tree Magnolia has thin and gray bark when young and become shallowly furrowed with age.

Fruit Identification

The Cucumber Tree Magnolia has cucumber-like aggregate fruit that are 2″ to 3″. They are green, warty seedcones, but will become pink upon maturity in fall.

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Cucumber Tree Magnolia are greenish-yellow and bloom in spring. They can mature to a deep red color as well. The flowers are 2-4″ (relatively small for magnolias) and tulip-like.

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ID Tips

  • The Cucumber Tree Magnolia is distinct for its elongated, cucumber-like fruit.
  • The flowers of the Cucumber Tree Magnolia are much less showy than most magnolias.
  • The pubescent leaf underside is uncommon for magnolias as well, though not a sole identifying characteristic.