Leaf Identification

The Seven-Son Flower has simple, oppositely arranged leaves. The leaves have an elongated cordate shape, with arcuate (curling towards parallel) veins and a long tapered tip.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twig turns from light green to dark brown and smooth with pale lenticels (pores). The leaf buds are axillary and in pairs opposite each other on the twig. The flower buds develop in branching panicles during the summer.

Bark Identification

The bark is whitish-brown and peels in long vertical strips. If not pruned into a singular trunk, the shrub will develop multiple smaller trunks.

Fruit Identification

The fruits of the Seven-Son Flower are tiny drupes, inconspicuous within the bright red-pink sepals that grow after the flowers fall. The fruits appear in late fall.

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Seven-Son Flower bloom in early fall in seven-branched panicles. Each flower is small, white, and pleasantly fragrant. They release from the tree in mid- to late fall.