Leaf Identification
The leaves of the Chokecherry are 2″ to 6″ long and 1″ to 3″ wide. The leaf shape is ovate to obovate, and the leaf is slightly pubescent along the underside veins. The margin is serrated, and the venation is pinnate. When the leaves are crushed, they are aromatic.
Twig and Bud Identification
The twigs of the Chokecherry can be gray, brown, purple, or red. The buds are about a 1/3″ long and covered with many brown scales. The twigs often produce an unpleasant odor when broken, but please do not damage our trees.
Bark Identification
The Chokecherry’s bark is smooth and has noticeable lenticels (pores) that sometimes develop shallow fissures.
Fruit Identification
The fruit of the Chokecherry turn dark red to black when ripe. They are drupes, arranged in clusters that hang off of a central fruiting stem. Their diameter is usually around 1/3″.
Flower Identification
The Chokecherry’s flowers appear in long (3″ to 6″), terminal racemes. Each flower has 4 or 5 white petals with green to yellow sepals. The flowers are tubular and less than an inch long.