Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Emerald Sunshine Elm are oval shaped and pointed with toothy margins. They are a glossy green to yellow. The base of the leaf is asymmetrical, as is the entire leaf shape itself.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twigs of the Emerald Sunshine Elm are very pubescent (hairy), and range in color from gray to brown. The buds are “clothed” in an outer shell of brown, with a pubescent green bud peeking through.

Bark Identification

The Emerald Sunshine Elm has gray and ridged bark. The vertical ridges form raised scales.

Fruit Identification

The fruits of the Emerald Sunshine Elm are samaras, which are oval seed cases with wings. They are under 1/2″ each, and turn from green to brown with maturity.

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Emerald Sunshine Elm are inconspicuous. They are green or red in color and bloom in the winter.

[photo forthcoming]