Leaf Identification

The leaves of the ‘Frontier’ Elm have toothed edges and an asymmetrical shape. They are a shiny dark green that turn to purplish-red in the fall. They have an alternate leaf arrangement.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twig is light gray and slightly zig zag. The bud is reddish-brown with a conical tip and covered halfway by scales.

Bark Identification

The ‘Frontier’ Elm has smooth, greenish-gray bark with orange lenticels (pores). Younger branch have orange-brown horizontal notches.

Fruit Identification

The ‘Frontier’ Elm has flat, circular winged samaras. However, fruiting is rare, given the low flowering and seed output observed from this hybrid.

[photo forthcoming]

Flower Identification

As mentioned before, flowering is uncommon, so blooms are irregular. When they do bloom, they do so in the fall. The flowers are small, pink-purple, and with elongated dark purple stamens. The flowers are clustered together and sprout from the stem nearly directly.