Persian Parrotia

Arbor Walk #1, Treekeeper ID #2642

Also known as the Persian ironwood, the Persian Parrotia is known for its exfoliating bark which is particularly noticeable in the winter. When young, its leaves are reddish purple, and as it matures they will become dark green in the summer and yellow, orange, and red in the fall. It has a high tolerance to stressful conditions and is at a relatively low risk for diseases and pests. In addition, it is a member of the Hamamelidaceae, making it a relative of the Witch Hazels. This tree is native to Iran but is frequently cultivated in the U.S. and in Europe due to its resilient nature.

Common NamePersian Parrotia
Latin NameParrotia persica
Indigenous Name(s) 
Commercial Name 
Global Distribution
Where to find Arbor Walk #1 on WashU campus
Our Persian Parrotia in space
GPS Coordinates


Percent Concrete


Distance to Buildings
YearClose Building #1Close Building #2Close Building #3
2020Simon Hall, 5.61 mDanforth University Center, 40.55 mSeigle Hall, 111.46 m
Distance to Other Species
YearClose Species #1Close Species # 2Close Species # 3
2020Cherry ssp., 4.96 mCherry ssp., 7.89 mCherry ssp., 9.68 m
Our Persian Parrotia through time
Standard Measurements
YearHeight (m)DBH (cm)Caliper (m)Crown Diameter N-S (m)Crown Diameter E-W (m)Average Crown Diameter (m)
Nests and Pests
2020Webworm on one branch
‘Stained’ bark ridge
Algae and lichen
How to identify a Persian Parrotia
Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Persian Parrotia are 2 1/2″ to 5″ long and 1″ to 2 1/2″ wide with an obovate shape, a slightly hair texture, and an irregular wavy margin. They are a reddish purple color when young and change to a lustrous green color when mature. The fall foliage is a combination of yellows, oranges, and reds.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twig is zig zag and matures from green and striped to gray-brown. The buds are pointed and dark brown, with dense, short hairs. The terminal bud is shaped like a deer’s hoof.

Bark Identification

The bark of the Persian Parrotia exfoliates, with numerous white lenticels. It has blotches of light gray-green and olive green-brown.

Fruit Identification

The fruit of the Persian Parrotia is a small brown capsule that is dehiscent and will eject the seed once mature .

[photo forthcoming]

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Persian Parrotia are maroon to red and apetalous (without petals). They hang in clusters and flower in late winter.

[photo forthcoming]

Relationship of Parrotia persica to other species in the arboretum
Additional resources on the Persian Parrotia

Take a look around Arbor Walk Tree #1