Miyabe Maple

Arbor walk #2, TreeKeeper ID #3153

This tree is native to Japan, although it has become endangered within its own native range. This cultivar was introduced at the Morton Arboretum in Illinois.

This is a medium height tree. It has corky bark, is fast growing, and is adaptable to very cold temperatures. The fall foliage is bright yellow and makes the tree very attractive as an ornamental.

Common NameMiyabe Maple
Latin NameAcer miyabei
Indigenous Name(s) 
Cultivar/Variety ‘Morton’
Commercial Name STATE STREET
Global Distribution

coming soon

Where to find Arbor Walk #2 on WashU campus

Our Miyabe Maple in space
GPS Coordinates


Percent Concrete


Distance to Buildings
YearClose Building #1Close Building #2Close Building #3
2020Simon Hall, 20.25 mSeigle Hall, 48.21 mAnheuser Busch Hall, 91.65 m
Distance to Other Species
YearClose Species #1Close Species # 2Close Species # 3
2020Red Maple, 11.09 mSeven-Son Flower, 11.14 mSeven-Son Flower, 12.52 m
Our Miyabe Maple through time
Standard Measurements
YearHeight (m)DBH (cm)Caliper (m)Crown Diameter N-S (m)Crown Diameter E-W (m)Average Crown Diameter (m)
Nests and Pests
2020At least 3 varieties of lichen
Outgrown and ‘stained’/weeping bark ridge
How to identify a Miyabe Maple
Leaf Identification

The leaves are broad, simple, opposite, and have 3-5 lobes. They have rounded teeth and deep sinuses. The margins are entire. The color is dark green and semi-glossy on top and pubescent underneath. The petiole leaks milky sap when broken, but please do not harm the trees in our Arboretum. The leaves turn yellow in the fall.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twigs are slender, shiny reddish-brown with light lenticels (pores). The twigs have stout, pointed terminal buds that are pubescent and dark red with scales.

Bark Identification

The bark is deeply furrowed and corky. It is often very densely branched.

Fruit Identification

The fruits of the Miyabe Maple are double samaras with wings at 180º with pubescent (hairy) seed cavities. They mature from a light green color to a light brown.

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Miyabe Maple are greenish-yellow, small clusters that hang from a slender stalk. The flowers bloom in May.

Relationship of Acer miyabei to other species in the arboretum
Additional resources on the Miyabe Maple

Take a look around Arbor Walk Tree #2