Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Arbor Walk #11, Treekeeper ID #1607

This small flowering tree belongs to a family of trees that are popular for their profuse spring flowers. This tree also produces its namesake crabapples, which are edible except for the seed, yet very small. Arbor Walk #11 has a dome-like shape and students often study underneath the tree’s canopy in hotter months.

Common NameJapanese Flowering Crabapple
Latin NameMalus floribunda
Indigenous Name(s) 
Commercial Name 
Global Distribution

coming soon

Where to find Arbor Walk #11 on WashU campus
Our Japanese Flowering Crabapple in space
GPS Coordinates


Percent Concrete


Distance to Buildings
YearClose Building #1Close Building #2Close Building #3
2020Olin, 17.71 mCupples II, 29.99 mSever Hall, 53.35 m
Distance to Other Species
YearClose Species #1Close Species # 2Close Species # 3
2020Redbud, 9.83 mRedbud, 10.13 mOhio Buckeye, 12.64 m
Our Japanese Flowering Crabapple through time
Standard Measurements
YearHeight (m)DBH (cm)Caliper (m)Crown Diameter N-S (m)Crown Diameter E-W (m)Average Crown Diameter (m)
Nests and Pests
2020Many open wounds- both new and old- have been widened+deepend by insects
One active insect nest on the underside of a branch, with webbing and maggots inside
Many old webworm nests
Large blanket of grey/white lichen and fungus inside an old hollow
1 large canker
1 gash in the bark made by humans or animals
Where the lower branches reach the ground, the bark has been chewed away
Multiple varieties of lichen and algae
Several ‘wet’ bacterial stains on the bark
On many areas with exposed wood, there are small holes (<1mm) from boring insects
Some deeper holes were also observed
How to identify a Japanese Flowering Crabapple
Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Japanese Flowering Crabapple are glossy and dark green. The leaf shape is ovate to elliptic, with arcuate veins and serrated margins. The petiole (leafstalk) and midvein are very finely pubescent (hairy). The leaves change color to yellow in the fall.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twig of the Japanese Flowering Crabapple is deep red, with white lenticels (pores) dotting its smooth surface. The twig is very subtly zig zag. The buds are red and scaled.

Bark Identification

The bark of the Japanese Flowering Dogwood is pale gray with streaks of tan and dark gray. The bark has vertical scales.

Fruit Identification

The flowers are small, about 1/3″in diameter. They are drupes (seed covered by a fleshy mesocarp and exocarp/peel)

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Japanese Flowering Crabapple are white-pink. They have many petals and a cluster of long white stamens at their center. The flowers have a pleasant odor, and bloom in the spring.

Relationship of Malus floribunda to other species in the arboretum
Additional resources on the Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Take a look around Arbor Walk Tree #11