American Witchhazel

Arbor Walk #119, TreeKeeper ID #6211

The American Witchhazel is one of the few deciduous woody plants that flowers after the leaves fall. It typically flowers during October to December. The extract of the leaves, twigs, and bark are commonly used in lotions and other skin products.

The fruit of the American Witchhazel is also very interesting. They resemble the hazel shrubs in the genus Corylus but are not very related as they are in different families. The capsules of the fruit can eject its seeds as far as 30 feet away.

Common Name(s)American Witchhazel, Common Witchhazel, Eastern Witchhazel
Latin NameHamamelis virginiana
Indigenous Name(s)
Commercial Name
Global Distribution
Where to find Arbor Walk #119 on WashU campus
Our American Witchhazel in space
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Our American Witchhazel through time
Standard Measurements
YearHeight (m)DBH (cm)Crown Diameter N-S (m)Crown Diameter E-W (m)Average Crown Diameter (m)
Nests and Pests
How to identify an American Witchhazel
Leaf Identification

The leaves of the American Witchhazel are typically 3″ to 6″ long and 2″ to 4″ wide. The leaf shape can range from ovate, elliptical, or obovate, and the margin can be sinuate or undulate. The leaf venation is pinnate, and the base is uneven.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twigs are often finely hairy (pubescent) and zig zag. The leaf buds are brown to tan and lack scales (naked). The flower buds are round and form in tight clusters. The buds and petioles (leafstalks) are also finely pubescent.

Bark Identification

The American Witchhazel’s bark is gray and smooth.

Fruit Identification

The fruit of the American Witchhazel are irregularly shaped capsules that are 1/2″ long and nearly 1/2″ wide. The immature fruit is green and matures to brown and woody. It contains two black seeds which are shot out when the capsule naturally splits open. The fruit is edible.

Flower Identification

The flower of the American Witchhazel is a yellow cyme. It usually has 4 long, slender petals that are often compared to spider legs and ribbons. These flowers bloom late fall to early winter.

Witch Hazel ID Tips
  • The American Witchhazel is distinguished from the Ozark Witchhazel based on flowering time and color. The American Witchhazel flowers in the fall, with yellow flowers, while the Ozark Witchhazel flowers in the spring, with orange and red flowers.
Relationship of Hamamelis virginiana to other species in the arboretum
Additional resources on the American Witchhazel