Hybrid Oak

Arbor Walk #125

The Heritage Oak is a hybrid between the English Oak (Quercus robur) and the Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), two similar white oaks from different continents. These closely related species produce a sturdy, fast-growing oak with the large acorns of the Bur Oak and fall colors of the English Oak.

The Heritage Oak tops out in height lower than both of its parents but is tall for a hybrid, reaching 50-60′ at tallest. The shape of the tree is quite handsome, hence its use as an ornamental tree.

The Heritage Oak is a member of the subgenus of white oaks. These oaks are distinguishable from other oaks from their smooth lobe tips (no awns), their hairless leaf undersides, and their lighter, flakier bark. The acorns of white oaks are also less tannic, meaning that they require less processing to become safe and palatable.

Common Name(s)Heritage Oak
Latin NameQuercus x macdaniellii,
Quercus robur x Q. macrocarpa
Indigenous Name(s)
Commercial NameHERITAGE