Fringe Tree

Arbor Walk #33, Treekeeper ID #5592

This tree is a Missouri native which grows easily in fertile, moist soil. In the wild, it typically grows at forest transition boundaries, along stream banks, or in the margins of limestone glades. Its common name refers to the elongated fringes of the white terminal petals of their flowers.

NameFringe Tree
Latin NameChionanthus virginicus
Indigenous Name(s) 
Commercial Name
Global Distribution
Where to find Arbor Walk #33 on WashU campus
Our Fringe Tree in space
GPS Coordinates


Percent Concrete


Distance to Buildings
YearClose Building #1Close Building #2Close Building #3
2020Umrath Hall, 3.19 mMallinckrodt, 39.54 mGraham Chapel, 55.99 m
Distance to Other Species
YearClose Species #1Close Species # 2Close Species # 3
2020Chinese Fringe Tree, 5.16 mChinese Fringe Tree, 5.24 mChinese Fringe Tree, 10.08 m
Our Fringe Tree through time
Standard Measurements
YearHeight (m)DBH (cm)Caliper (m)Crown Diameter N-S (m)Crown Diameter E-W (m)Average Crown Diameter (m)
Nests and Pests
2020No obvious indication of nests or pests on this tree
How to identify a Fringe Tree
Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Fringe Tree are 3″ to 8″ long with an elliptical shape and a smooth margin. Noticeably, the lateral veins do not reach the margin. They are a lustrous medium green and turn yellow in fall.

Twig and Bud Identification

The Fringe Tree is oppositely arranged, meaning each leaf attaches to the stem opposite of another. The twig is not zig zag and is light green before maturing to a light gray. Miniscule dark lenticels are visible on the twig surface. Buds protrude both laterally and terminally, and are reddish brown.

Bark Identification

The Fringe Tree has slightly ridged, grayish-brown bark.

Fruit Identification

The fruit of the Fringe Tree is a 1/2″ long, bluish drupe, resembling an olive (as they are in the Olive family). They ripen at the end of summer.

Flower Identification

The flowers of the Fringe Tree are white. They are in fleecey clusters of 4 strap-like petals. They bloom in late spring.

Relationship of XXX to other species in the arboretum
Additional resources on the Fringe Tree

Take a look around Arbor Walk Tree #33