Kousa Dogwood

Arbor walk #41, Treekeeper ID #4568

This tree, native to Asia, is known for its four-petaled white flowers in June and its reddish-purple color in fall. It also grows 1″ long edible raspberry-like fruit in August. Although non-native and less well known in the U.S. compared to the Flowering Dogwood (Benthamidia florida), the Kousa Dogwood is advantageously resistant to the disease known as dogwood anthracnose, which the Flowering Dogwood is quite susceptible to.

Common NameKousa Dogwood
Latin NameCornus kousa
Indigenous Name(s)
Commercial Name
Global Distribution
Where to find Arbor Walk #41 on WashU campus
Our Kousa Dogwood in space
GPS Coordinates


Percent Concrete


Distance to Buildings
YearClose Building #1Close Building #2Close Building #3
2020Gaylord Music Library, 29.45 mBlewett House, 55.04 mStix International House, 67.53 m
Distance to Other Species
YearClose Species #1Close Species # 2Close Species # 3
2020Eastern Redbud, 2.83 mEastern Redbud, 3.31 mEastern Redbud, 5.42 m
Our Kousa Dogwood through time
Standard Measurements
YearHeight (m)DBH (cm)Caliper (m)Crown Diameter N-S (m)Crown Diameter E-W (m)Average Crown Diameter (m)
Nests and Pests
2020One long, split area of exposed wood had several small boreholes, each about 2-5 mm
Dark patches of fungus/algae/bacteria visibly speckled throughout exposed wood
How to identify a Kousa Dogwood
Leaf Identification

The leaves of the Kousa Dogwood are elliptically shaped with arcuate veins (curving towards the tip). They are a dark green and turn a burgundy color in the fall.

Twig and Bud Identification

The twig is red-tinged tan and smooth, with noticeable scars marking previous years’ growth. The terminal bud is a reddish-green flower bud, with two scales making an acute point.

Bark Identification

The Kousa Dogwood has grayish-brown bark that slightly exfoliates.

Fruit Identification

The Kousa Dogwood has 1″ long, raspberry-like fruit. The fruit ripen in late summer.

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Flower Identification

The flowers of the Kousa Dogwood are surrounded by large showy white bracts and are themselves inconspicuous. The entire structure reaches 6″ in diameter.

[photo forthcoming]

Relationship of Cornus kousa to other species in the arboretum
Additional resources on the Kousa Dogwood

Take a look around Arbor Walk Tree #41