Black Walnut

Arbor Walk #18, Treekeeper ID #1386

This is a large Missouri native tree whose wood is used for woodworking in the furniture and cabinet industry. It is often considered one of the most durable and attractive woods in the world.

Arborists and other planters have to be very careful with the vegetation they plant nearby since the Black Walnut’s roots extend very far and produce a natural, unique herbicide called juglone. This substance is also found in the fruits’ husks and the leaves. The herbicide can kill or stunt growth in several varieties of plants such as apple trees, many nightshades, lilacs and much more. In nature, this provides a significant advantage by inhibiting some of its competition.

More infromation on the Black Walnuts in our Arboretum here!

Common NameBlack Walnut
Latin NameJuglans nigra
Indigenous Name(s)
Commercial Name

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