Downy Hawthorn

Downy Hawthorn

Arbor Walk #67, Treekeeper ID #1716

The Downy Hawthorn is a deciduous tree in the rose family, and is native to the Midwest. Despite the unpleasant scent and the presence of long thorns, the tree is much loved for the beauty of its flowers in the spring and fruits in the summer.

Downy Serviceberry

Downy Serviceberry

Arbor Walk #40, Treekeeper ID #4578

This Missouri native tree offers edible, berry-like fruit that changes color throughout the seasons. The competition for the fruit is stiff because they are a favorite of many bird species.

Drummond’s Red Maple

Drummond’s Red Maple

Arbor Walk #172, Treekeeper ID #3933

Comparatively to the other varieties of red maple, this variety inhabits areas with wetter sites and milder winters, such as swamps across the southeastern US.

Dwarf Chinkapin Oak

Dwarf Chinkapin Oak

Arbor Walk #156, TreeKeeper ID #7173

The Dwarf Chinkapin Oak is a small but wonderful oak species that excels for landscaping and natural settings alike.

Eastern Cottonwood

Eastern Cottonwood

Arbor Walk #167, TreeKeeper ID #1525

Native to much of the Eastern United States and Southern Canada, with a tall form reaching up to 100 feet in height and flexible fluttering leaves, the Eastern Cottonwood is a staple of lowlands across North America.

Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern Red Cedar

Arbor Walk #51, Treekeeper ID #1648

This tree is native to Eastern North America; In Missouri, it grows in a variety of habitats across the state and is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions.

Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud

Arbor Walk #38, TreeKeeper ID #3141

This deciduous understory tree is the state tree of Oklahoma and is native to Missouri and much of the Eastern and Central US. It grows in medium moisture, medium fertility soils.

Eastern Redbud, White

Eastern Redbud, White

Arbor Walk #86, Treekeeper ID #5725

White Bud is a native cultivar to the Missouri Area with heart-shaped leaves. Its parentage comes from the native Red Bud seen throughout Missouri.

Eastern Wahoo

Eastern Wahoo

Arbor Walk #47, Treekeeper ID #6770

This small tree is a Missouri and Chicago-region native offering attractive bright red fruit and beautiful color in the fall.

Eastern White Pine

Eastern White Pine

Arbor Walk #134, TreeKeeper ID #3517

The Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) is considered to be the tallest tree east of the Rocky Mountains, and one of the most historically important. This tree, which ranges from 80' up to 180+' at its record tallest, was the premier tree for timber in North America in the 18th and 19th century. Due to its massive demand in furniture, construction, and farming, stands of this pine were dramatically wiped out by 1900.

Emerald Sunshine Elm

Emerald Sunshine Elm

Arbor Walk #52, Treekeeper ID #1676

This Asian hybrid Elm is a relatively small cultivar growing 35 feet high and 25 feet wide. It has glossy green leaves which turn yellow in the fall.

English Oak

English Oak

Arbor Walk #99, Treekeeper ID #6570

English Oak is native and found in mixed woodland areas and planted widely in North America since the 1600s. It has long been a timber source in England.

English Yew

English Yew

Arbor Walk #65, Treekeeper ID #5329

Though associated with England, this tree is actually native to all of Europe, as well as southwestern Asia and Northern Africa. Red-brown scaly bark and evergreen dark green foliage ensures this tree is an attractive addition to landscapes year-round.

European Beech

European Beech

Arbor Walk #14, Treekeeper ID #1691

This beautiful non-native tree is adaptable to the Midwest. It has golden bronze leaves in the fall and its bark has a gray, elephant-hide appearance.

European Hornbeam

European Hornbeam

Arbor Walk #74, Treekeeper ID #2259

This adaptive species is often grown as a shield or hedge plant in urban settings, as it grows a thick canopy that extends most of the way to the ground.

Flowering Dogwood

Flowering Dogwood

Arbor Walk #53, Treekeeper ID #1410

Often claimed as the most beautiful of North America’s native flowering trees, the Flowering Dogwood is the state tree of both Missouri and Virginia. Its early-spring blooms of showy white petals surrounding tiny clusters of yellow dogwood flowers are among the tree's most dramatic characteristics.

Flowering Dogwood

Flowering Dogwood

Arbor Walk #81, Treekeeper ID #3692

This is a small, beautiful, adaptive, flowering tree, blooming in early spring. It has white flowers and oval dark green leaves which turn into shades of red in the fall and it grows bitter, inedible bright red fruits.

Foster Holly

Foster Holly

Arbor Walk #39, Treekeeper ID #4373

A naturally occurring hybrid species of American Holly and Dahoon Holly, it was found growing in the wild in Florida in 1924. This is a broadleaf evergreen tree of small to medium stature that prefers well-drained, slightly acidic soil and dislikes extreme hot and cold temperatures.

Fringe Tree

Fringe Tree

Arbor Walk #33, Treekeeper ID #5592

This tree is a Missouri native which grows easily in fertile, moist soil. In the wild, it typically grows at forest transition boundaries, along stream banks, or in the margins of limestone glades.

Frontier (Hybrid) Elm

Frontier (Hybrid) Elm

Arbor Walk #44, Treekeeper ID #2942

This medium-sized tree is hardy and tolerant to drought, heat, and poor soil which make it well suited as a replacement for the many elms used residential landscapes and city streets.

Full Moon Maple

Full Moon Maple

Arbor Walk #135, TreeKeeper ID #6223

The Full Moon Maple is a small, dense tree with unique large, showy leaves that is native to Japan. These leaves create beautiful fall foliage and are mainly sought after for landscaping.

Giant Dogwood

Giant Dogwood

Arbor Walk #165, Treekeeper ID #7247

Although the "Giant" moniker may seem to be overstating the tree's height comparative to other trees in the region and on campus, this tree can be 20-30 feet taller than the native Flowering Dogwood, with larger leaves as well.



Arbor Walk #12, Treekeeper ID #1649

This tree's unique fan shaped leaves turn brilliant golden yellow in fall. This adjacent group of Ginkgos forms a historic allée that was part of the original 1927 Cope and Stewardson Plan for the university campus.



Arbor Walk #96, Treekeeper ID #5779

The 'Autumn Gold' evolved over 200 million years ago and can withstand extremely harsh conditions. The tree produces a beautiful gold leaf color in Autumn, hence the name.

Ginkgo ‘Saratoga’

Ginkgo ‘Saratoga’

Arbor Walk #76, Treekeeper ID #5991

This unique pest-resistant species originated in China and is the last species in its order Ginkgophyta, which was first found in fossils that dated back to the Permian period, 270 million years ago.

Golden Larch

Golden Larch

Arbor Walk #116, TreeKeeper ID #6505

One of the more unique members of the Pine family (Pinaceae), this tree has a circular spray of soft, thick needles and mature cones that resemble upside down succulents or artichokes. Originating from eastern China, this species thrives in the warm, wet environments of the American Midwest and Southeast.

Golden Raintree

Golden Raintree

Arbor Walk #24, Treekeeper ID #3978

This tree's unique foliage, summer blooming yellow flowers, and lantern-like fruit make it one of the most interesting trees in the campus forest.

Green Ash

Green Ash

Arbor Walk #23, Treekeeper ID #2384

This native tree species is threatened by the Emerald Ash Borer. Since its discovery in 2002, the Borer, a native of Asia, has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in North America.

Hardy Rubbertree

Hardy Rubbertree

Arbor Walk #120, TreeKeeper ID #6643

This tree gets its name from the gummy sap contained in the tree's leaves, branches, and bark, which does not pour out like a milkweed but rather pulls apart with sticky strings like half-dried glue. Native to China, this tree has been traditionally used to treat high blood pressure, liver, and kidney issues.

Hazel Alder

Hazel Alder

Arbor Walk #97, Treekeeper ID #6102

Hazel Alder is a multi-stemmed small tree and can grow to 20′ high and up to 15′ wide forming thickets by suckering. It is native from Nova Scotia to Illinois and Missouri south to eastern Texas and northern Florida. It is an ideal selection for naturalizing or rain gardens.

Hybrid ‘Lois’ Magnolia

Hybrid ‘Lois’ Magnolia

Arbor Walk #90, Treekeeper ID #5902

Magnolia 'Lois' is adaptive to the St. Louis region and was introduced in 1998 by the Brooklyn Botanical. It flowers in the Spring with a true pale yellow color and it grows to 30' tall and 20' wide.

Hybrid Magnolia

Hybrid Magnolia

Arbor Walk #82, Treekeeper ID #3854

This is a deciduous hybrid magnolia resulting from a cross between M. acuminata and M. denudata. It is notable for its yellow flowers, late vegetative growth, compact pyramidal form, and ability to withstand both heat and cold.

Hybrid Oak

Hybrid Oak

Arbor Walk #125, TreeKeeper ID #5965

The Heritage Oak is a hybrid between the English Oak (Quercus robur) and the Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), two similar white oaks from different continents. These closely related species produce a sturdy, fast-growing oak with the large acorns of the Bur Oak and fall colors of the English Oak.

Hybrid Willow

Hybrid Willow

Arbor Walk #117, TreeKeeper ID #6815

This willow is a hybrid between the Bay Willow (Salix pentandra) and the Eastern Crack-willow (Salix euxina). It was developed at North Dakota State University and is known for its rounded shape, vigorous foliage, and its namesake reflective leaves that lend the 'Silver Lake' epithet.

Jack’s Hybrid Oak

Jack’s Hybrid Oak

Arbor Walk #146, Treekeeper ID #6549

This oak is a naturally occurring hybrid of White Oak (Quercus alba) and Swamp White Oak (Q. bicolor).

Japanese Cornel Dogwood

Japanese Cornel Dogwood

Arbor Walk #113, TreeKeeper ID #3538

The Japanese Cornel Dogwood boasts elegantly characteristic dogwood leaves, edible fruits (yet quite astringent when raw), and traditional medicinal use in East Asia for liver and kidney illnesses.

Japanese Flowering Cherry

Japanese Flowering Cherry

Arbor Walk #25, Treekeeper ID #4120

The Kwanzan variety is probably the hardiest of the double flowering cherry trees. Its new leaves are bronze colored and its fall color is a bronzy-orange. It blooms pink in mid spring and is the last of the cherry trees to bloom.

Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Arbor Walk #11, Treekeeper ID #1607

This small flowering tree belongs to a family of trees that are popular for their profuse spring flowers. This tree also produces its namesake crabapples, which are edible except for the seed, yet very small. Arbor Walk #11 has a dome-like shape and students often study underneath the tree's canopy in hotter months.

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Arbor Walk #136, TreeKeeper ID #6159

The Japanese Maple has been cultivated in and around its native range for hundreds of years, and since the 1800s, has been symbolic of Japanese Gardens to Western observers.

Japanese Zelkova

Japanese Zelkova

Arbor walk #59, Treekeeper ID #5340

A member of the Elm family which has been promoted as a replacement to American Elms because of its high degree of resistance to Dutch Elm Disease.



Arbor Walk #106, Treekeeper ID #5947

The Katsuratree's native range in Japan and China. The 'Rotfuchs' cultivar is most commonly cultivated in the United States. In cultivation, it can grow to 60' tall and is noted for its beautiful shape and attractive foliage.

Kentucky Coffeetree

Kentucky Coffeetree

Arbor walk #7, Treekeeper ID #2253

This tree is a "seedless" variety of the native species. It is native to Missouri and the Midwest. Early settlers of Kentucky used the tree's seeds as a coffee substitute, hence its common name.

Kousa Dogwood

Kousa Dogwood

Arbor walk #41, Treekeeper ID #4568

This tree, native to Asia, is known for its four-petaled white flowers in June and its reddish-purple color in Fall.

Lacebark Elm

Lacebark Elm

Arbor walk #5, Treekeeper ID #3495

The Lacebark Elm is a large elm native to China that is known for its intricate bark and durable wood. It has strong resistance to the deadly Dutch Elm Disease, making it an ideal planting or hybridization target.

Limber Pine

Limber Pine

Arbor walk #72, Treekeeper ID #3697

This under-used pine, native to the western United States, is more tolerant of alkaline soils than the Eastern white pine. The dark blue green needles help this tree stand out in the landscape.

Littleleaf Linden

Littleleaf Linden

Arbor walk #42, Treekeeper ID #4386

The Little-Leaf Linden is uniquely adept at withstanding polluted environments, and is therefore a great shade tree for urban settings. It is a native to Europe and exists in the wild only in protected pockets of land, where it provides ecological benefits for moths and pollinators.

Loblolly Pine

Loblolly Pine

Arbor Walk #126, TreeKeeper ID #6651

The Loblolly Pine is an iconic tree in the Southeastern United States, dominating the southern pine forests and being grown for lumber in plantations in the region. It is tall, skinny in shape, and a vigorous grower.

London Planetree

London Planetree

Arbor walk #6, Treekeeper ID #2200

The London Planetree is a hybrid of the Oriental Plane (Platanus orientalis) and American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), combining improved disease resistance with cold tolerance. The London Planetree is also extremely tolerant of pollution, and is even found to be an effective removal agent of air pollution particles.

Miyabe Maple

Miyabe Maple

Arbor walk #2, TreeKeeper ID #3153

This tree is native to Japan, although it has become endangered within its own native range. This cultivar was introduced at the Morton Arboretum in Illinois.

Nannyberry Viburnum

Nannyberry Viburnum

Arbor Walk #133, TreeKeeper ID #1694

The Nannyberry Viburnum features edible berries that persist in winter and abundant white flowers. It is a tall shrub or small tree, reaching about 15' in height as a multi-stemmed shrub, or pruned into one trunk up to 30'.